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Take your look and your life from ordinary to extraordinary in this pivotal journey filled with self-discovery and empowerment.

What if I told you...?

Who should take this course?

Do any of these statements resonate with you?
  • You have no idea what your personal style is.
  • You have looked into working with a personal stylist, but there isn’t one in your area.
  • You worked with a stylist before and it didn’t go well. You didn’t feel they understood you. It was a complete waste of money and time.
  • You understand how important it is to “look the part”, but have no idea how to get there.
  • You leave the house every morning in a frustrated, stressed mood, because you spent too much time trying to figure out what to wear, which sets the tone for the day.
  • You want to get a promotion, get a new job, find a romantic partner, but you have lost confidence in your ability to dress to look your best.
  • You want to have fun with fashion, but fail every time you try, 
  • You don’t feel like your insides are matching your outsides. Shopping is too hard now, so you’ve just stopped.
  • You’ve missed several important events/occasions because you couldn’t find anything to wear. You’re lost. You want to disappear.
  • You feel like there is something wrong with you because you cannot master the simple act of getting dressed.
  • Your closet is full of fashion mistakes or items with tags still on them. You are tired of wasting money on unworn clothes. You feel guilty and depressed when you go through your closet.
  • You feel unattractive and overwhelmed. 
  • You want to update your look & your wardrobe, but you have no time and don’t know where to begin even if you did.
  • You are now realizing that how you present yourself is important & you want to update your look, but you don’t know where to start.
  • You’re not interested in fashion, but you want to have a working wardrobe that tells the world who you are.
  • You simply want to be able to get dressed quickly and effortlessly in the morning, and go out into the world feeling good about yourself.  
  • You’ve gotten older, you’ve gained or lost weight, you’ve had a life-changing event.
  • You’ve gotten the promotion and need to uplevel your look accordingly.
  • You want to create a core wardrobe, but you are on a limited budget and need help to choose pieces wisely.
  • You want to update your look, but it is more difficult than you thought it would be because clothes don’t fit the way they used to, even though you haven’t gained or lost weight.
  • You can’t figure out what colors work for you.
  • Shopping is both overwhelming and underwhelming, not to mention exhausting. 
  • You despise shopping and getting dressed each day is a struggle
  • You can’t figure out why other people always look put together but you don’t feel stylish, confident and polished when you get dressed
  • You have upcoming public speaking engagements or tv appearances
  • You’re going on a book tour

If you saw yourself in any of the above, then this course is for you.

Did you know?

On average, women spend 17 minutes each morning choosing an outfit

On average, women spend two more weeks per year getting ready in the morning versus men

Women spend 6 months of their lives choosing outfits

The average American woman owns about 103 pieces of clothing (some of which, still have the tags on them)

You wear 20% of what's in your closet 80% of the time

Think of what you'll do with all the extra time you have after taking this course AND you'll be so much more confident each day in your looks!!


What's holding you back?

  1. The main deterrent is usually money. You may have looked into hiring a personal stylist before, but the price is not readily available on most websites, so it is necessary to call to get more information. The worry is that it may cost too much, and it would be embarrassing to admit this to the stylist. This is not a problem here, because you see the final price before you begin and can budget for it, rather than having to “guess” at how much time you will need with the stylist to reach your goals (and time is money; I can tell you from experience that it usually takes more time than you think it will in the beginning), or you choose a package that only promises a certain amount of time with the stylist and a few looks. With this course, You know the price upfront, and will have the ability to go through the entire process of creating a new look from beginning to end, and have the option of paying in full or paying in smaller increments over time.
  • You believe that a person should be able to do something as basic as get dressed without needing guidance from someone else. You can most definitely get yourself dressed, but life’s circumstances have made this simple act difficult. It can be a physical issue, or time constraints, or multiple fashion mistakes that have shaken your confidence, changes in your body size and shape, changes in lifestyle and responsibilities, difficulties in deciding what looks best on you and speaks to others about who you are….the reasons why getting dressed can become a stressful experience are numerous. Why not go to an expert for help? If you have a medical issue, you hopefully don’t hesitate to seek help. If you want to plan a trip, but don’t know where to begin, you would seek advice from someone in that field.
  • “My closet is a disaster; I’d be too embarrassed to let anyone see it.” In this course, that will not be a problem!
  • "I need to lose a few pounds first.” Most of us fluctuate in terms of weight. Many of us live on diets. The times you feel less self confident in your personal appearance are the times when you need an experienced wardrobe consultant who can teach you the ABC’s of dressing- Accentuate, Balance and Camouflage.
  • "I don’t have any time to delve into this right now." With this course, you can learn at your own pace & convenience. You can go quickly or take your time. In the end, you will save many hours and save so much money having learned what to shop for and what to avoid. A common question I hear is, “Why didn’t I do this years ago?” Fashion and personal style may not be rocket science, but can truly make a huge
    difference in the quality of your life.

Is there something else that’s holding you back? I’d like you to consider how much you’re worth. We all know women don’t spend enough time on themselves. This is my gift to you. I am giving you permission to look inward in order to grow your self confidence and be the best version of yourself you can be. I consider that PRICELESS!

If you don't take this course you will...

Remain uninspired. You will miss opportunities to showcase your personality through your wardrobe, leaving you feeling overlooked or underestimated in social or professional settings. Additionally, you could miss out on valuable insights and ways to amplify your style.

Remain entrenched in a mindset of feeling "less than," which can perpetuate a cycle of self-doubt and inadequacy, hindering personal growth and fulfillment. Something as seemingly unimportant as how you look can easily lead to a negative perception of yourself, and as time goes on, you risk undervaluing your worth and potential, thereby limiting your ability to pursue your aspirations and thrive rather than just survive in various aspects of life. How you feel about yourself can erode your self-confidence and even diminish your capacity to cultivate meaningful relationships and seize opportunities for personal and professional advancement. 

Remain where you are. There can be some fear when considering a big change in life, but remember it takes as much energy to stay in one place as it does to grow. Watching other people feel, and look good, can be difficult and lead to resentment and jealousy. It’s just human nature. This course is about believing you are good enough and appreciating just how special you are. You are brilliant and beautiful, and it’s time to let the world know you aren’t a selfish person for taking care of yourself, just a happier one.

Remain unsatisfied with your personal style. In trying to figure out your personal look, it’s wise to note that most answers reveal themselves by doing rather than thinking. I can guarantee that if you do nothing, nothing will change. Change your narrative from "No I can’t" to "Yes I can."

Continue on the same path you are on, you will go on spending money on items that don’t quite work, but you can’t figure out why, and buying items at the last minute that you don’t love but purchase because you’re out of time (these usually become one-wear purchases).

Be overlooked or underestimated in social or professional settings. 

The clothes are the medium, but the change itself goes much deeper.

"How To Find Your Style, Dress For Your Body Type And Transform Your Look" course

In this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of all the aspects related to elevating your personal style. You will be given specific steps to take in order to craft a more authentic, distinctive visual message, which you can then use to maximize the untapped power you have WITHIN YOURSELF to reach your goals. Throughout the course, you will be deepening your connection with yourself, rather than basing who you are on what others have decided is best for you. The first module will provide you with pieces of the puzzle that are absolutely imperative in order to solve the puzzle of how to look your best. We begin with how to dress according to your body type and unique physical attributes. Are you ready? Then let's get started!

What is your body type?

We will explore the different body types, and discuss specifics within your body type that are unique to you. We will delve into the importance of understanding your body type and how it can guide your fashion choices. 

How to dress for your body type?

We will cover what styles work well for you, and what styles to avoid. 

What colors work best for me?

We will discuss the significance of color and how it can be used to enhance or sabotage your look.

Meet Your Instructor

“How To Find Your Style, Dress For Your Body Type And Transform Your Look” is brought to you by The Style That Binds Us & NYC Stylist, Alison Bruhn. She is a national style and image consultant with clients throughout the world and is a sought-after public speaker. She studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, and holds a Color certification from the Image Resource Center of New York.

The purpose of her work is to empower women through creating a visual brand and transforming their style to ignite a new path of confidence and independence. She works with both private clients and groups.

Alison's expertise is frequently called upon by top-tier publications including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, TIME, The Zoe Report, Byrdie, Forbes, HuffPost, Bustle, Well+Good, Elle, Condé Nast Traveler, People, InStyle, The Everygirl, Brides, Southern Bride & more, as well as public speaking engagements & podcast interviews. Alison Bruhn is a NYC Stylist who has a decade of experience and has access to an extensive network of connections inside the fashion industry.

Your style is waiting for you...!

"I’m so proud of this course, because I am bringing you all my years of experience & knowledge from working with women all over the world. I may not have the joy and honor of working with you one-on-one, but consider this course as my gift to you. I wholeheartedly believe it will transform your look and transform your life." -Alison Bruhn


Available in days
days after you enroll
  What Is Your Body Type?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Finding Your Why
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Choosing Your Wardrobe
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Putting it Together
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Perfecting Details
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option


How did you determine the price?

We understand that investing in education and self-improvement is a significant decision, and we appreciate your interest in our digital styling course. Here are a few key reasons why our course may have a higher price point:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Our course is curated and taught by in-demand NYC Stylist Alison Bruhn who has over a decade of experience in personal styling.
  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from personal style assessment, wardrobe curation and fashion fundamentals. You'll gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills that are valuable and crucial in developing one's personal style aesthetic.
  3. Interactive and Engaging Content: This course includes video lessons, checklists, printouts, tutorials, quizzes, assignments, and virtual styling tools ensuring that you have a dynamic and immersive learning experience that maximizes your understanding and retention of the material.
  4. Networking: By enrolling in our course, you'll also gain access to community and networking opportunities via our private Facebook group.

We believe that the investment you make in our digital styling course is not just a cost but a valuable opportunity to gain skills, expertise, and confidence that can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life. We strive to deliver exceptional value and an enriching learning experience that exceeds your expectations. If you were working with NYC Stylist Alison Bruhn one-on-one, you would pay $5,000+ to receive this information.

Can I pay in installments? Yes

Why should I choose this course over other styling courses?

We know that choosing the right digital styling course is a major decision, and we appreciate your interest in our program.

Ultimately, we believe that our digital styling course offers a unique blend of expertise, comprehensive curriculum, interactive learning, networking opportunities and proven results that set us apart from other styling courses. We're committed to helping you achieve your styling goals. Unlock the secrets of style with NYC Stylist Alison Bruhn as she shares over a decade of expertise and knowledge in our exclusive digital course. Gain insider tips, learn industry secrets, and elevate your styling game with Alison, your personal stylist, by your side. Enroll now and step into a world of fashion mastery working with this NYC Stylist who has transformed thousands of women's lives across the globe.

How long will it take to take the course? That is completely up to you! You are able to go at your own pace.

How long will it take to see results? You will begin seeing results from Lesson #1!

Is this a beginner course? Yes! It is for all levels 

Is this a course for all ages? Yes!

Is this course for men? No

Will this course help me to make smarter shopping decisions? Absolutely!

What is a digital styling course? A digital styling course is an online program designed to teach participants about fashion, personal style, wardrobe curation, and styling techniques using digital platforms and tools.

What will I learn in this digital styling course?

In a digital styling course, you'll learn various aspects of styling, including personal style assessment, fashion fundamentals, color theory, outfit coordination, digital styling tools, wardrobe organization, and enhanced self confidence.

Who can benefit from this digital styling course? Anyone who takes the course

Do I need any prior experience in fashion or styling to enroll in this digital styling course? Not at all

How is this digital styling course delivered? It is delivered through an online platform & includes video lessons, tutorials, interactive quizzes, assignments, downloadable resources, and virtual styling tools.

Do I need to be tech savvy to take this course? No

How can I enroll in this digital styling course? You've come to the right place! This is where you can enroll

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in this digital styling course? No